US Deluxe Deal, LLC BBB Business Review US Deluxe Deals - Sterilized Organic Rye Berries Grain Bags with Injection Ports
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Sterilized Organic Rye Berries Grain Bags with Injection Ports
$ 66.00

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  • Each bag is made from a biodegradable material and contains 1lb of nutrient-enhanced, organically sterilized rye berries. These bags are specially designed to be used as grain spawn, with a recommended ratio of 1lb of grain spawn to 3?4 lbs of substrate.
  • Organic rye grains are sterilized using a pressure cooker or an autoclave to kill any unwanted microorganisms that may compete with the mushroom mycelium. This ensures that your mushrooms have a clean and healthy substrate to grow on, resulting in healthy and robust mushroom fruiting.
  • Molasses: Molasses is a sweet syrup that is rich in nutrients, including sugars, minerals, and trace elements. When added to grain spawn, it can provide a source of energy for the mushroom mycelium, helping it grow and colonize the grain more quickly. Additionally, molasses can help lower the pH of the grain spawn, making it less hospitable to harmful bacteria and fungi.
  • Gypsum: Gypsum is a mineral that is commonly used in mushroom growing to provide calcium and sulfur, which are essential nutrients for mushroom growth. Gypsum can also help improve the texture and structure of the substrate, making it easier for the mushroom mycelium to grow and colonize.
  • Vermiculite: As mentioned earlier, vermiculite can help to improve the moisture, aeration, and pH balance of the substrate or grain spawn, leading to better mushroom yields and a reduced risk of contamination.
  • Coffee Grounds: Coffee grounds are a good source of nitrogen, which is an essential nutrient for mushroom growth. They can also help lower the pH of the substrate or grain spawn, making it less hospitable to harmful bacteria and fungi. Additionally, coffee grounds can provide a natural source of caffeine, which has been shown to stimulate the growth of certain mushroom species.Overall, these ingredients can be beneficial for grain spawn, as they can provide essential nutrients, improve texture and structure, and help reduce the risk of contamination. However, it's important to note that the amounts and ratios of these ingredients should be carefully balanced to ensure optimal growth conditions for the specific mushroom species being grown.


  • Rye Berry Grain Spawn Bags are made with high-quality, organic rye grain and are sterilized using a pressure cooker or an autoclave to kill any unwanted microorganisms that may compete with the mushroom mycelium.
  • This ensures that your mushrooms have a clean and healthy substrate to grow on, resulting in healthy and robust mushroom fruiting.
  • Season of Interest: Fall, Spring, Summer, and Winter
  • Common Name: Spawn Bag
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
  • Features: Organic

Package Includes:

  • 6 x Sterilized Organic Rye Berries grain bags with injection ports
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